Starkups To get started, open a file. What is Starkups? Starkups is a lightweight markup language for journals. What does it look like? It looks like this: Title Subtitle Entry 1 (that's a tab stop) Name of entry **Lorem ipsum**, dolor *sit* amet.... Yes, Markdown is supported! * Entry 2 This one's important! Each entry is separated by *two* blank lines. There's also two blank lines before the first entry. : Entry 3 But what if you don't want Markdown? | That's fine too. If the header starts with a `|` or `:`, then | that character will be removed from the beginning of the item's | lines, and each line that starts with a `|` will also have Markdown : *disabled*. Cool, huh? How do I use it? Just put your Starkups in a file, and then open it in the viewer. You can also make a static HTML file by clicking the Save as HTML button once you've opened a file. There's also a Python script in the source tree at `viewer/make-static` that will do it for you. Can you see my stuff? **No.** Starkups runs entirely on your computer. Nothing is sent to my server, and you can make sure of that by looking at the source code. Where's the source code? [Over here.](https://gitlab.com/s-zeid/starkups) It's written in JavaScript and released under [the X11 License](https://tldrlegal.com/l/x11). Why's it called "Starkups"? It's a play on "Starbucks" and "markup". Why "Starbucks"? I thought you don't drink coffee? I don't. It's a long story. Ooh, Material! Yep :) [Praise DuARTe!](http://duarte.cf/ "Warning: Auto-playing video")